It’s Cocktail Time!

Every picture tells a story, don’t it? And this story is funny. At least I think so.

Many, many moons ago, while Hubby and I were wandering the aisles of a liquor store, I saw a cocktail shaker kit. It had everything – the shaker, a wooden Muddler, a glass, a 2 ounce shot glass and the strainer – complete. I said I wanted it. He made one of those “You’re being silly” Hubby faces and asked what for? For making cocktails. What a dumb question! Except we really didn’t drink cocktail. He likes Bacardi and Coke when at a bar, we had wine with most dinners or Margaritas. You didn’t need a shaker to make a Mai Tai. Blended drinks were made in the blender (duh!), so he was right. I bought a wine decanter instead. I just like having stuff. Our house is overrun with stuff.

Time when by, and I asked again while we were shopping at one of my favorite stores, World Market. Again he asked what I needed it for. I know there were images dancing in his beautiful head of all the shelves in the dent, the garage and even the rafters of “stuff” I wanted. Some I’ve used, but some are still in their original packaging. From the time I was a little girl, anything and everything used for making “stuff” is the stuff I like. From kitchen appliances to tools – I love it all. Hubby distracted me with a bottle of Sambuca. Cheater! He knows I love Sambuca.

But then one day we took a cruise. And Hubby got us hooked on Grasshoppers. Guess what? You need a cocktail shaker to make a Grasshopper. That’s become our relaxing drink of choice. (A bonus for me is watching Hubby shake that shaker!) All that is needed is a Friday night, couple of Grasshoppers and his hand in mine as we watch the sun go down. Life doesn’t get any better than spending time with the ones we love. There are no promises of tomorrow. Hold tight to those you love and cherish those moments, however many those might be.

Grasshopper Cocktails by the Glass
8 oz Glass, chilled
Cocktail Shaker
2 oz Shot Glass
2 oz White Crème de Cacao
2 oz Crème de Menthe
2 oz Heavy Cream
Ice Cubes

Place spirits and heavy cream into a cocktail shaker with plenty of ice.

Shake, shake and then shake some more. Pour into a well-chilled glass. If desired, garnish with a shot of whipped cream or a cherry, but not necessary.

Sit back, sip and enjoy.

Our help is from the Lord, who made heaven and earth.

Author: Rosemarie's Kitchen

I'm a wife, mother, grandmother and avid home cook.I believe in eating healthy whenever possible, while still managing to indulge in life's pleasures.

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