Summer in America Has Arrived

Welcome to the Summer Solstice. Today begins the official, as in on the calendar, beginning of summer. But we’ve known summer was here since Memorial Day, when we all filled our propane tanks, got that wood for the smoker and made sure there was plenty of charcoal in the bin.

Today is also American Eagle Day, Ice Cream Soda Day and Vanilla Shake Day. All signs and symbols of the American Dream – land of the free and home of the brave. Hubby and I love this country and we aren’t afraid to say so. If you were to drive down our street, you’d say Wow – those are some Patriotic Americans. With the exception of Halloween and Christmas, our house looks like it’s the Forth of July year round. I think we seem like we live in Red Neck Texas and not Liberal Blue California.

But then, California is pretty red-neck when you get away from the cities and out into the small towns. I think the same could be said about nearly every small town in the state, except maybe those hugging the coast. Get out into farm land or cattle country and you may as well be in Texas. The American Flag is displayed with great pride.

I love the life Hubby and I have made together. I thank God every day for all we have – not the material comforts of this world, but the deep love for one another and the dedication to our faith that we know will see us through whatever storms there may be. For in the end, it’s all part of our journey home.

Have a wonderful summer!

Country Style Ribs with Golden Eagle Barbecue Sauce
Golden Eagle Barbecue Sauce
32 oz bottle Hunt’s Ketchup
3 tablespoons Dry Mustard
2 teaspoons Black Pepper
1 tablespoon Worcestershire Sauce
1/2 cup Cider Vinegar
1/2 cup Water
1 tablespoon Chili Sauce
1 tablespoon Hickory Liquid Smoke

Note: For whatever reason, Hunt’s Ketchup is the only brand that works well with this sauce. Apparently “Ketchup is Ketchup” isn’t an accurate statement when it comes to this recipe because when other brands have been used, the results were less than desirable. There’s something about the base in Hunt’s Ketchup that works well with the other ingredients to create the famous Golden Eagle sauce. On the handwritten paper “Hunt’s” was underlined, further emphasizing the importance of a particular brand of ketchup.

In a heavy saucepan, combine Ketchup, mustard, pepper, Worcestershire sauce, vinegar, water and chili sauce. Taste and add liquid smoke, if desired.

Bring to a boil. Reduce heat, cover and simmer 10 minutes. Remove from heat, let “steep” until ready to use. The longer the mixture sits, the better it tastes.

Refrigerate any remaining sauce. (The empty ketchup bottle works well, just remember to label it “Barbecue Sauce” so no one gets a surprise on their French Fries).

Country Ribs
5 lbs boneless Country Pork Ribs
4 Garlic Cloves
2 cups Water
1-1/2 tablespoons Liquid Smoke
1 Onion

Heat oven to 300-degrees.

Trim ribs of excess fat. Peel and press garlic over the ribs. Rub into the meat and set aside.

In the bottom of a broiler pan, add water and liquid smoke. Peel and cut onion into large chunks. Place in the pan with the water.

Place the top of the broiler pan over the seasoned water. Arrange ribs on the pan. Brush lightly all over with some of the Golden Eagle Sauce. Let ribs sit for 15 minutes to soak in the flavors.

Cover the entire pan with foil, crimping tightly to seal well. Place in the oven and let slow-cook for 90 minutes or until meat is tender but not yet fallow apart.

To finish off the ribs build a nice bed of coals or heat a gas grill for direct grilling. Transfer meat to a clean barbecue grate that has been wiped with vegetable oil to prevent sticking. Sear ribs for about 4 minutes, turning as necessary. Mop heavily with sauce during the final grill.

Serve and enjoy. Great with skillet potatoes and cob corn for the goodness of summer.

Alleluia, alleluia.
You have received a spirit of adoption as sons
through which we cry: Abba! Father!
Alleluia, alleluia.

Author: Rosemarie's Kitchen

I'm a wife, mother, grandmother and avid home cook.I believe in eating healthy whenever possible, while still managing to indulge in life's pleasures.

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