Arizona’s Quiet Beauty

Have you ever spent time in the desert? There is a beauty to the desert unlike anything else. Today we celebrate Arizona, a desert state that has more than its share of beauty.

Within this vast state are four separate desert regions, each with its own environment, flora and fauna. The Mojave in the upper west of the state, the Chihuahua to the southeast, the massive Sonora takes up most of the southwest and central part of the state, and the fourth, while under debate, is the Great Basin.

Despite the dry climate of Arizona, there is greenery and breathtaking beauty even among the rocks. The Mojave Desert crosses the Colorado River into Arizona between Wickenburg and Kingman. It is punctuated by Joshua trees and unique features found only in that desert.

The Chihuahua extends from Mexico north into parts of Texas, New Mexico and Southeast Arizona. There you will find yukas, prickley pears, barral cactus and a carpet of breathtaking wild flowers.

From March to mid-April, the Sonora Desert dances in shades of yellow, purple, red, white and kisses of pink. Deep crevices with touches of green trace the moisture from a rainshower up in the mountains down into the valley floor below. Life is everywhere.

The Great Basin desert is one of those places filled with debate. Some say the Great Basin is bond by the Sierras along the California State Line, the Wasatch Mountains of Utah, and the Snake River to the north. This desert would include most of Nevada, while never actually crossing into Arizona. Others claim the basin extends south into Arizona.

Regardless, Arizona still has abundant beauty and amazing adventures to offer. From her rugged landscape to her countless ghost towns. It’s worth the visit, expecially in the spring and winter, when the temperatures aren’t so blistering. You’ll even find snow.

There is a quiet peace found only in the desert. If you stand still long enough, you can hear God’s whispers through the canyons.

Gambas al Ajillo
(Spanish Garlic Shrimp)
1 lb medium Shrimp (25-30 count)
1 teaspoon Spanish Hot Smoked Paprika
1/2 teaspoon Chipotle Chili Powder
Kosher Salt to taste
8 Garlic Cloves
1/4 Red Bell Pepper
2 Green Onions, tops only
1/4 cup Habanero Olive Oil
2 tablespoons Tequila

Peel and devein shrimp, leave tail attached. Place in a large bowl. Season with paprika, chipotle and salt, mix well to coat. Set aside.

Peel garlic. Use a very sharp knife or Mandoline to cut into thin slices. Cut the bell pepper in half lengthwise. Remove seeds cut half the pepper in half again. Thinly slice a quarter of the pepper. Snip tops of the green onion for garnish.

Heat oil in a skillet over medium heat, add bell pepper and cook until soft, about 2 minutes. Add garlic and cook until golden, about 2 minutes. Add shrimp, increase heat to high. Toss and turn shrimp with tongs until the shrimp be begin to curl but are not yet cooked through, about 2 minutes. Add tequila, cook until liquid begins to bubble and the shrimp is cooked through, about another minute.

Remove from heat. Arrange shrimp on a platter, sprinkle with green onions. Serve with warm bread as an appetizer or with sides such as rice or beans for a tasty main event.

The Lord swore to David
a firm promise from which He will not withdraw:
“Your own offspring
I will set upon your throne.”

Author: Rosemarie's Kitchen

I'm a wife, mother, grandmother and avid home cook.I believe in eating healthy whenever possible, while still managing to indulge in life's pleasures.

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