Our Lady of Perpetual Help Pray for Me

Today is the Feast of Our Lady of Perpetual Help. This is one of those special days that is not found in scripture or in a vision but comes instead from another aspect of the Catholic Faith – oral tradition. The Church is rich in oral tradition.

Much of our oral tradition doesn’t require a leap of faith, just a mustard seed of faith. And we all know the story of the mustard seed. Look at the facts behind the tradition.

Christ gave to us all His mother as our mother. He did so on the cross.

Mary was chosen by God to bring Jesus into the world. Long before His ministry began, she was there, loving Him, caring for Him, protecting Him as only a mother could.

That is all we need to know to accept Mary as our Lady of Perpetual Help. She was given this title because of a story that has been accepted by the Church through Oral Teachings. As the story goes, when Jesus was just a small boy, he was playing in the family garden. Archangels appeared to the boy, and revealed to Him what lay ahead. While Jesus knew His purpose in becoming man, He was also a boy, one that became frightened. In His fear, He did what any child would do, He ran to the arms of His mother. Christ sought refuge in Mary. Just as we can seek refuge in Mary. She is our Heavenly Mother, our advocator and defender. When we are frightened, she is there to comfort us just as she was there to comfort Him.

Mary is not worshiped in the Catholic Faith. However; she is loved and appreciated. Christ came to be the new Adam, to restore our relationship with the Creator. And Mary was the new Eve, demonstrating total obedience to the Father. That does not mean she is equal to Christ, only that she serves a purpose in God’s plan of salvation. She is the example of what it means to be a women. There has been so much talk lately about a woman’s role. Once upon a time the value of motherhood was not questioned. Today men need to defend their wives for choosing to be wives and mothers and woman are made to feel ashamed or apologize for that choice. I for one will not be made to feel ashamed for embracing my femininity. That which makes me a woman are gifts from God. To embrace them in this current climate take courage, not weakness.

Just as I am proud to be a Catholic. It is a calling. And that is all there is to say.

Prayer to Our Lady of Perpetual Help
Holy God, we praise You for Your love
For us, for sending us Jesus Your Son,
And for giving us Mary as our
Mother of Perpetual Help.

We thank You for these signs of Your love,
And we ask You to lead us by Your Spirit,
So that we may continue to live
As your Holy people

We praise you for your unending strength and support.
With the help of Mary’s prayers,
May we always be open to recognize
Your hand in the events of our life and
To accept Your constant gift of grace.

Loving God, we ask this prayer through
Jesus Christ, in the love of Your Holy Spirit,
One God, now and always and for ever.

This recipe was inspired by Goulash Supreme. I decided to use Italian Sausage instead of ground beef. But then the pasta had to change. And the spices. Hey, the Onions and Tomatoes are the same – what more do you want? Enjoy!

Italian Pasta Supreme
1/2 White Onion
2 Garlic Cloves
1 lb Italian Sausage
32 oz Stewed Tomatoes
3 tablespoons Tomato Paste
2 teaspoons Italian Seasoning
Pinch Red Pepper Flakes
Salt to taste
Black Pepper to taste
1-1/2 cups Rotini Pasta
1/2 cup Beef Stock or as necessary

Cut onion in half. Reserve half of the onion for another purpose. Peel and dice remaining half. Peel and finely mince garlic, set aside.

In a large high-sided skillet or large saucepan, brown sausage. Crumble as the meat cooks. Drain well. Add tomatoes, tomato paste, onions and garlic. Season with Italian seasoning, red pepper flakes, sand and pepper. Stir in uncooked pasta. If the mixture appears too dry for the pasta to properly cook, add beef stock a little at a time.

Note: I added about a quarter of a cup half-way through and again during the final few minutes.

Bring to a boil. Reduce heat to a steady simmer and let cook for 30 minutes or until pasta is tender.

Serve with warm garlic bread and a simple salad.

O God, the nations have come into Your inheritance;
they have defiled Your holy temple,
they have laid Jerusalem in ruins.
For the glory of Your name, O Lord, deliver us.

Author: Rosemarie's Kitchen

I'm a wife, mother, grandmother and avid home cook.I believe in eating healthy whenever possible, while still managing to indulge in life's pleasures.

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