Boy, Do I Love Food!

What an understatement! Every person on the planet loves to eat. Some perhaps more than others. Food not only fuels the body, and feeds the mind, it imprints memories. Certain smells, like bread baking, might spark a memory of Grandma’s kitchen.

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Feast of the Assumption of Mary

Within the Universal Catholic Church worldwide, there are 10 Holy Days of Obligation to attend Mass in addition to Sunday worship. However; in 1991 the Bishops of the United States petitioned the Holy See, and were granted the removal of three of the Universal Holy Days of Obligation and to transfer the celebration of the Epiphany (January 6) to the nearest Sunday.

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A Summer Night’s Saucy Kentucky Chicken Skewers

In case you missed it, this year for Father’s Day, Kiddo really out did himself when it came to the perfect gift for Hubby. It was a grill that does it all – smoker, charcoal, gas and even has a side burner for keeping sauces warm or simmering a pot of beans.

Father's Day Grill (2)

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